The NuLink Worker is the node to provide cryptographic service in the NuLink network. It provides Proxy Re-encryption service in the Horus network and it will provide more services such as ABE, IBE, ZKP and FHE in NuLink mainnet. The staker needs running a Worker node to be eligible for token reward.
There are four steps to run a NuLink Worker:
Create Worker Account
Install NuLink Worker
Configure and Run a Worker node
Bond the Worker node with your staking account
Minimum System Requirements
Debian/Ubuntu (Recommended)
30GB available storage
x86 architecture
Static IP address
Exposed TCP port 9151, make sure it's not occupied
Nodes can be run on cloud infrastructure.
For this worker node im using CPX21 from Hetzner
Update Depencies
Install Latest Docker Engine and Pull Latest Horus Image
I like to rename it to geth , you can skip this if you want
Rename the directory
Go to the geth dir
Now Create the worker account key by running the command below inside the dir geth
You will be prompted to enter the password and confirm the password. Please remember this password for late use.
INFO [09-08|15:30:11.904]MaximumpeercountETH=50LES=0total=50INFO [09-08|15:30:11.905]Smartcardsocketnotfound,disablingerr="stat /run/pcscd/pcscd.comm: no such file or directory"Yournewaccountislockedwithapassword.Pleasegiveapassword.Donotforgetthispassword.Password:Repeatpassword:YournewkeywasgeneratedPublicaddressofthekey:0x8B1819341BEc211a45a2186C4D0030681cccE0EePathofthesecretkeyfile:/root/geth-linux-amd64-1.10.23-d901d853/keystore/UTC--2022-09-13T01-14-32.465358210Z--8b1819341bec211a45a2186c4d0030681ccce0ee-Youcanshareyourpublicaddresswithanyone.Othersneedittointeractwithyou.-YoumustNEVERsharethesecretkeywithanyone!Thekeycontrolsaccesstoyourfunds!-YoumustBACKUPyourkeyfile!Withoutthekey,it's impossible to access account funds!- You must REMEMBER your password! Without the password, it'simpossibletodecryptthekey!
Create Nulink Directory
cd $HOMEsudomkdirnulink
Copy the keystore file of the Worker account to the host directory. The private file generated by NuLink Worker will also be stored in this directory.
cp $HOME/geth/keystore/* $HOME/nulink
Give the directory 777 Permission
sudochmod-R777 $HOME/nulink
Init Worker
Change the --signer and --operator-address to your own!