The NuLink Worker is the node to provide cryptographic service in the NuLink network. It provides Proxy Re-encryption service in the Horus network and it will provide more services such as ABE, IBE, ZKP and FHE in NuLink mainnet. The staker needs running a Worker node to be eligible for token reward.
There are four steps to run a NuLink Worker:
Create Worker Account
Install NuLink Worker
Configure and Run a Worker node
Bond the Worker node with your staking account
Minimum System Requirements
Debian/Ubuntu (Recommended)
30GB available storage
x86 architecture
Static IP address
Exposed TCP port 9151, make sure it's not occupied
wget && tar -xvzf geth-linux-amd64-1.10.23-d901d853.tar.gz
I like to rename it to geth , you can skip this if you want
Rename the directory
mv geth-linux-amd64-1.10.23-d901d853 geth
Go to the geth dir
cd geth/
Now Create the worker account key by running the command below inside the dir geth
./geth account new --keystore ./keystore
You will be prompted to enter the password and confirm the password. Please remember this password for late use.
INFO [09-08|15:30:11.904] Maximum peer count ETH=50 LES=0 total=50
INFO [09-08|15:30:11.905] Smartcard socket not found, disabling err="stat /run/pcscd/pcscd.comm: no such file or directory"
Your new account is locked with a password. Please give a password. Do not forget this password.
Repeat password:
Your new key was generated
Public address of the key: 0x8B1819341BEc211a45a2186C4D0030681cccE0Ee
Path of the secret key file: /root/geth-linux-amd64-1.10.23-d901d853/keystore/UTC--2022-09-13T01-14-32.465358210Z--8b1819341bec211a45a2186c4d0030681ccce0ee
- You can share your public address with anyone. Others need it to interact with you.
- You must NEVER share the secret key with anyone! The key controls access to your funds!
- You must BACKUP your key file! Without the key, it's impossible to access account funds!
- You must REMEMBER your password! Without the password, it's impossible to decrypt the key!
Create Nulink Directory
cd $HOME
sudo mkdir nulink
Copy the keystore file of the Worker account to the host directory. The private file generated by NuLink Worker will also be stored in this directory.
cp $HOME/geth/keystore/* $HOME/nulink
Give the directory 777 Permission
sudo chmod -R 777 $HOME/nulink
Init Worker
Change the --signer and --operator-address to your own!
# step 1
Detected IPv4 address ( - Is this the public-facing address of Ursula? [y/N]: y
Please provide a password to lock Operator keys.
Do not forget this password, and ideally store it using a password manager.
# step 2
Enter nulink keystore password (8 character minimum): xxxxxx
Repeat for confirmation: xxxxxx
Backup your seed words, you will not be able to view them again.
# step 3
Have you backed up your seed phrase? [y/N]: y
# step 4
Confirm seed words: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Public Key: 02bb2067d21a677ce928967c0ece79a9
Path to Keystore: /home/circleci/.local/share/nulink/keystore
- You can share your public key with anyone. Others need it to interact with you.
- Never share secret keys with anyone!
- Backup your keystore! Character keys are required to interact with the protocol!
- Remember your password! Without the password, it's impossible to decrypt the key!
Generated configuration file at default filepath /home/circleci/.local/share/nulink/ursula.json
* Review configuration -> nulink ursula config
* Start working -> nulink ursula run
Backup your Seed!
Run the worker
Before running the worker make sure you have tBNB, if not request BNB Testnet Faucet Run Worker